This Christmas give cryptocurrencies with Bitnovo gift cards!

Reading time: 3 minutes

Christmas comes and with it the usual problem: What gift to buy?. We know that giving away socks or perfumes is the simplest choice, but there is a much easier option and that will surprise whoever receives the gift.
These are the innovative the Bitnovo giftcards redeemable for cryptocurrencies which are available in more than 40,000 stores in Spain, Italy, France and Portugal.
Believe me that no one will expect to receive Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies this Christmas and absolutely everyone will be happy to receive them. So when these cryptocurrencies start to increase in price with the passage of months.

What are Bitnovo Gift Cards?

Bitnovo gift cards are gift cards that can be purchased in cash or by card and that can be exchanged with cryptocurrencies very easily from our site.
By purchasing our vouchers at any of the 40,000 associated physical stores, you can access Bitcoin and more than 20 different cryptocurrencies.
But these vouchers can also give another person the possibility of accessing such funds. That is, using these giftcards as a nice Christmas present for a mother, brother, friend or any loved one who deserves to be part of the crypto world.
Vouchers are available in different amounts, including 25, 50, 100, 250 o 500 Euro.

Step by step to buy vouchers

If you want to know how to buy our gift cards redeemable for cryptocurrencies simply follow the following isntructions:

– Find the nearest store on this map:
– Buy the voucher redeemable for the amount you want.
– Redeem your voucher in section redeem from our website or access the Bitnovo app and click on ‘Redeem Voucher’.

– Insert the voucher code.

– Choose the cryptocurrency you want to buy, enter the data of your cryptocurrency wallet or select “use my Bitnovo wallet”
– Enter your region, e-mail and phone number.
– Select “redeem” and in a few minutes the funds will be available in your wallet.

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Section to redeem vouchers on the Bitnovo website.

Why redeem the vouchers on Bitnovo?

Redeeming our vouchers is an easy way to buy cryptocurrency without having to take risks or worry about exchange problems. In this way, buy vouchers via Euro and then exchange the value of this in cryptocurrency whenever you want.
Also, if you buy vouchers with cash your transaction will be anonymous and you will not have to perform any KYC process (know your customer). This makes it a perfect option for those who wish to purchase cryptocurrency anonymously and without granting sensitive personal data.

Where can you buy our cryptocurrency Giftcards?

If you want to know where to buy our gift cards, just contact any of the shops that are in questa mappa.

Our vouchers are available in big shops such as Worten, Eroski, Fnac or Game and thousands of tobacconists in Spain, Italy, Portugal and France. Currently there are more than 40,000 stores that sell our vouchers for cryptocurrencies, but every month we continue to increase this number.

mapa puntos de venta Bitnovo

Shops in Barcelona, Spain.

So now you have no excuse, this Christmas gives something original and most likely will increase its value as the months went by.
Maybe next Christmas your loved ones will thank you for the present this Christmas. Because Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are a great present, with a better future.

Merry Christmas! 🙂

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