Fintech Unconference 2018: Bitnovo among the best Fintech companies

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Bitnovo will be part of the Fintech Unconference 2018

Today we are pleased to remind you of a very important appointment that you should not miss: the Fintech Unconference 2018, organized by Finnovating and FinTech Ventures, that will take place today in Madrid.

This is an annual event of great repercussion that brings together exclusively 120 CEOs of the main companies in the financial technology sector, of more than 20 countries , including: Ebury, Fintonic, Finizens, N26, Indexa Capital, Revolut, Bitnovo  and EBury.

FINTECH unconference con bitnovo

The Fintech Unconference 2018 represents a moment to share information and perspectives related to FinTech, with the aim of improving the development of the sector and delineating its future opportunities.

In addition, the Fintech Unconference 2018 will be the first TOKENIZED event in the world, since participants will be paid for their presence in UNCONFsa cryptocurrency created in Ethereum blockchain, to sell it or buy tickets for other Unconferences etc.

Currently the companies in the financial technology sector are nearly 300 in Spain, which is ranked sixth worldwide, behind United States and United Kingdom, which are placed in the first two positions. SourceEl Español

As you have already read above, Bitnovo will be part of this important event and we will be glad to keep you up-to-date on all news related to the FinTech sector, which will be discussed and shared during the Fintech Unconference 2018.

Stay tuned!! 😉

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