How many cryptocurrencies exist today?

Reading time: 4 minutes

The first cryptocurrency came in 2009 and since then hundreds of cryptos have been appearing until reaching a surprising number. How many cryptocurrencies exist today? Place your bets!

There is a big universe to discover beyond the most famous cryptocurrency of all, bitcoin. New cryptocurrencies are created every day and large amounts of money are handled day by day in this sector.



The Cryptocurrencies that exist in the market

As of June 2020, according to Coinmarketcap website there are a total of 2,677 cryptocurrencies in the market.

cuantas criptomonedas existen Bitnovo

In case this is not enough, new ones appear little by little, which are created through a process called ICO.

As for their differences, although the vast majority bet on Blockchain technology, each tends to have a different technology, encryption and philosophy. Its objectives can range from becoming global and decentralized currencies, to being used as direct voting power in football clubs, such as chiliz (CHZ).

Top 5 Cryptocurrencies: The most popular crypto

Due to its stability some of the cryptocurrencies most used by users currently on the market are:

1.- Bitcoin

BTC comprar

What can we tell you about this cryptocurrency that is not already known?

Many people get confused with the difference between Bitcoin and bitcoin. The spelling always flaunting its importance.

Bitcoin (BTC) is the cryptocurrency of the network that bears his name and was the first cryptocurrency in history. Did you know what was the first transaction made with bitcoins? It will surprise you.

Bitcoin limit is finite, it is at 21 million BTC. So hurry up to buy bitcoins online

2.- Ethereum

Comprar Ether

Launched in 2015, Ethereum crypto has become one of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market.

Ethereum is really the network that has consolidated the concept of the Blockchain, causing the emergence of networks and cryptos based on its technology and ERC20 token.

The Ethereum virtual currency is known as Ether and, unlike bitcoin, does not have an issuance limit. Buying Ether safely is very easy from the Bitnovo platform.

As for the speed of this network, Ethereum needs only 12 seconds to perform block verification transactions. Really fast!

3.- Litecoin

Comprar Litecoin

It has been in the market since 2011 and was created as the alternative to Bitcoin.

This crypto performs the processing of a block every 2.5 minutes, generating 4 times more units than Bitcoin (which processes the blocks every 10 min). In addition, for this same reason, it is considered as a more secure network.

As for its limit is higher than Bitcoin: 84 million LTC versus 21 million BTC.

Litecoin allows immediate payments at a low cost.

If you are thinking of buying other cryptocurrencies that are not bitcoins, now that you know a little more about this crypto, encourage yourself to buy Litecoin easily from Bitnovo.

4.- Dash

Comprar Dash

This is a cryptocurrency created in 2014 with the goal of becoming a mass use payment option. It was thought of as a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency, a solution for making “person to person” payments.

Dash (DASH) has an instant transfers: 10 confirmations in less than 1 minute! In addition, it also has low commissions that facilitate its use as digital money. That is, while with bitcoins (BTC) it is not profitable to pay a soda because the cost of the transaction would be at least 3 times the cost of the drink, with Dash this doesn’t happen.

As a curiosity, it is important to highlight the creation of the Dash Text service that allows you to have a Dash wallet on a phone with SMS support to receive and send this crypto. No need for a smartphone, or Internet connection. In fact, from Bitnovo we already announced this alliance with Dash Text, as well as the possibility of buying Dash online and storing it in the Bitnovo wallet.

5.- Ripple

Comprar XRP

Ripple’s trajectory starts at the end of 2012 and the token is represented as XRP.

One of the main features is that it is a centralized cryptocurrency in a really decentralized world. In addition, the Ripple network is able to execute payment transactions through XRP in just 3.5 seconds. These immediate transfers do not require a confirmation period.

Ripple has its own currency exchange system and good acceptance by many banks.

Discover how to buy Ripple (XRP) by following a few simple steps.

These are only 5 of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the market. Who knows? Possibly in what you have taken to read this article new ones have been created. That’s how exciting this crypto world is.

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