How to buy cryptocurrencies | Step by step guide 2023

Reading time: 3 minutes

If you have just entered the world of bitcoin and are desperate for advice on how to buy cryptocurrencies, you are in the right place.

In this post we will try to guide you through the process and show you the various ways to buy any type of digital currency, we will indicate which are the best platforms to buy cryptocurrencies and how to buy crypto in Bank and with Paypal.

Let’s start.

4 ways to buy cryptocurrencies (without scams)

come comprare criptovalute in sicurezza Bitnovo

In this paragraph we will explain 4 ways to buy cryptocurrencies without scams, or how to buy them in the right places and avoid running into sites that can promise you incredible earnings with cryptocurrencies, only to turn out to be a deception.

To buy bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies, you must first have a wallet or virtual wallet where you can store your crypto.

If you don’t know yet cos’è un wallet di bitcoin or you don’t have one yet, before proceeding to the purchase of cryptocurrencies, we advise you to know the various types of wallet to be able to choose the one that best meets your needs.

Once you have obtained your virtual cryptocurrency wallet, you can proceed with the purchase of your favorite crypto. How?

Buy cryptocurrencies via bank transfer 

come comprare criptovalute in banca Bitnovo

The increase in scams against users who wanted to invest in cryptocurrencies or the fear of running into fraud while buying crypto online, lead many users, interested in buying bitcoins, to ask if there is the possibility of buying cryptocurrencies via bank transfer Bank.

Let’s say first of all that Bitcoin is definitely a financial instrument little loved by traditional banking institutions.

But beyond this motivation, we can say that nowadays no credit institution allows to buy cryptocurrencies in the Bank.

There is however an indirect form of doing so and it isby buying crypto on platforms that accept payment by bank transfer or debit/credit cards, as these systems are safe and traceable, they save our savings from possible cyber scams.

Buy cryptocurrencies with Paypal

One of the most popular search queries on Google is the possibility of being able to buy cryptocurrencies with Paypal.

One of the main reasons why many users are interested in buying bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies with Paypal, as in the previous case, lies in the fact that the numerous scams that have occurred to the detriment of potential crypto buyers make this payment method preferable to others, given that it provides greater security to users.

The impressive number of scams that hit those who decided to buy cryptocurrencies with the exchanges pushed many potential investors to look for solutions to buy cryptocurrencies with Paypal.

That’s why there are more and more platforms that accept payments with Paypal.

When buying cryptocurrencies with this payment method, it is very important to calculate the price of cryptocurrencies taking into account the fees of the platform that sells cryptos and the commissions established by Paypal.

Best Platforms to Buy Cryptocurrencies

As mentioned above, one of the safest and easiest solutions to buy cryptocurrencies is by using online platforms of direct purchase of crypto.

These are sites that allow the cryptocurrency trading without the presence of intermediaries.

This means that you can buy crypto directly online, without having to trade with other investors, simply by using your credit/debit card or paying by bank transfer or other crypto, for example.

That’s why below we will show you a list of the best platforms to buy cryptocurrencies easily and safely and that boast a wide range of digital currencies.


Established in 2014 in Spain,  Bitnovo is a payment gateway that allows you to buy bitcoins and over 20 different types of cryptocurrencies. It also makes available to its customers crypto Atms and vouchers redeemable with cryptocurrencies and can be purchased in thousands of physical and online stores.

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