What is a cryptocurrency exchange?

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If you are looking for a place to buy your bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies safely, simply and quickly, one of the best options is exchange portals. Find out what a cryptocurrency exchange is.

One of the first questions we ask ourselves when we start in the crypto world is Where to buy cryptocurrencies? And although there are many options for that answer, we will try to make you understand it quickly and easily.

Cryptocurrency exchanges are pages to buy bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies and that are also used if you want to sell them. It is something like a money exchange office where you can exchange one currency for another by paying a certain commission, with the difference that exchanges do not have a physical store.

Each exchange has its peculiarities, some charge higher commissions, others have more cryptocurrencies to exchange, some are faster, others slower, etc.

How to trade on an exchange?

While this may differ a bit from exchange to exchange, the steps are as follows:

1- Access the website and sign in.
2- Receive discharge after a verification process.
3- Fund your account with the currency you choose (euro, dollar, etc.).
4- Buy your cryptocurrencies.

Where to buy cryptocurrencies in Spain?

There are many websites to buy bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, but Bitnovo stands out and this is due to the fact that it offers a very intuitive and efficient platform to buy, ideal for people who are just starting out in the crypto world. It also offers new ways to do it, such as its vouchers or its ATMs that will make it even easier for you to find where to buy bitcoins.

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