Where to buy bitcoins in cash in Spain

Reading time: 3 minutes

In Spain, crypto-currencies and the blockchain technology that supports them already have a long history and their evolution continues to advance.

If in the first years after the launch of the first crypto coin in history (bitcoin) the only way to buy digital coins was through the Internet or from individuals, we now have a range of opportunities to buy crypto coins. Today we will reveal where to buy bitcoins in cash in Spain.

Options for buying bitcoins in Spain

As we explained in another post, we can currently buy cryptocurrencies in different ways that we will quickly explain below:

Mining services: You can get bitcoins or other types of tokens for free through the mining process.

Brokerage services: It is about trusting expert agents or platforms to invest in cryptos.

Online trading services: This is the most common way to buy cryptos, using platforms that allow you to buy bitcoins and other types of altcoins with credit, debit, prepaid or bank transfer cards.

Buying crypto currencies in cash at crypto ATMs and/or physical stores.

This last one is nowadays one of the most requested options by crypto lover, since buying cash in physical sites avoids running risks both in terms of security and privacy, besides being really convenient to be able to go to a store and buy crypto coins as if you were buying clothes or food at the supermarket.

Where can I buy Bitcoin in cash in Spain?

dónde comprar bitcoin en 2020 en españa Bitnovo

When we search the Internet and google (or any other search engine) asking where we can buy Bitcoin and other cryptos in cash in Spain, we’re confronted with a series of pages that promise to send you cryptos to your virtual wallet if you make a payment to them on their own cards.

But we know that this is a smoke screen that sometimes manages to fool many people.

Another method is represented by sites that act as intermediaries between two people who wish to buy and sell cryptos.

As we said before, many users (from the most experienced to the novice) would like to be able to buy Bitcoin and other types of cryptos quickly and easily, and with the option of being able to buy in cash in a physical store.

Well, as we said in another post where we explained how to buy crypto cash at ATMs, commonly called Bitcoin ATMs, there are brands that provide a number of ATMs in the Iberian Peninsula that allow you to buy crypto cash, with the related benefits.

Among these ATMs, the ones that offer the lowest rates and privacy (which most users are looking for), belong to the Bitnovo brand.

Currently Bitnovo has a network of Bitcoin ATMs throughout Spain that you can find on the map of their website or free App.

In case there isn’t a Bitnovo ATM available in your city, we have good news!

Bitnovo offers its customers an alternative that allows them to buy bitcoins in cash in Spain.

So, how to get your bitcoins in cash in an easy, fast and safe way?

It’s that easy! Take note!

Just download the free Bitnovo App or access their website and check the map with the associated points of sale.

  • The physical stores are distributed throughout the territory and therefore we recommend that you filter by region or address to find the store nearest you.
  • Once you have found the associated store, ask for a Bitnovo bitcoins coupon and choose the quantity you want to buy.
  • The merchant will issue a receipt with the amount of cryptos purchased, which you must use on the Bitnovo website or application to redeem the cryptos you wish to purchase.
  • At the time of redemption, you’ll be asked what type of crypto you want to buy (Bitnovo allows you to choose from about 25 different types), enter the number of your wallet where you’ll receive the crypto and the pin indicated on the receipt.
  • Once the operation is confirmed, you will only have to wait for the blockchain to validate the transaction to receive the cryptos in your wallet.


Now you know … if you want to buy bitcoins in cash in Spain, Bitnovo is what you are looking for 😉

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