Legal notice

Identifying data.

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identifying data of the service provider are reflected below:

Company name: PRESSBROKERS, SL (hereinafter PRESSBROKERS).

Trade Name: BITNOVO®

BITNOVO® is a trademark owned by PRESSBROKERS registered in Spain with number M3658597.

Address: Isla Sardinia 1, bajo, 46023 VALENCIA.

Registration: Commercial Registry of Valencia, Volume 9,334, Folio 18, Registration 1 with Sheet V-143,975.


General Conditions of Access and Use for Users of the Website and Application.

The conditions that regulate the Use of the BITNOVO® Platform and under which the services offered by PRESSBROKERS are provided to Clients or Users through said Platform, are those contained in the General Conditions of Access and Use for Website Users and Application, which will be applicable to all those pages that appear within the Site Map, which are the only ones included in this BITNOVO® Platform.

The use of the BITNOVO® Platform attributes to the navigator the condition of User, which implies the adherence and commitment to comply with each and every one of these conditions in the version published at the time it is Access the BITNOVO® Platform. Therefore, the User is recommended to read said document carefully each time he accesses the BITNOVO® Platform.

PRESSBROKERS will request through the BITNOVO® Platform the express acceptance of the General Conditions of Access and Use for Users of the Website and Application as an essential prerequisite for the provision of the service, since it will constitute the contract that will regulate the provision of said service.

Access and security.

Access to transactional services and those that include the capture of personal data is carried out in a secure environment using the 128-bit SSL (Secure Socker Layer) protocol. The secure server establishes a connection so that the information is transmitted encrypted. This ensures that the transmitted content is only intelligible by the client computer and the PRESSBROKERS server. The User can verify that they are within a secure environment if a closed padlock appears in the status bar of their browser. The security guarantee of our servers is backed by a certificate issued by our Web service provider. This certificate guarantees that the client is communicating their data to a PRESSBROKERS server and not to a third party that tries to impersonate it.

Privacy Policy of the BITNOVO® Platform.

To navigate through the BITNOVO® Platform it is not necessary for the User to reveal personal data, however, in order to provide the services requested by the Client or User, PRESSBROKERS will require certain data, this necessarily implies knowledge of the PRESSBROKERS Privacy Policy without reservations and the explicit acceptance of the processing of your data as described in the said Privacy Policy. For the provision of services, Clients or Users must validate the box enabled for the aforementioned purposes.
For more information on the privacy and data protection policy, see the PRESSBROKERS Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy of the BITNOVO® Platform.

To navigate through the BITNOVO® Platform it is not necessary for the User to reveal personal data, however, in order to provide the services requested by the Client or User, PRESSBROKERS will require certain data, this necessarily implies knowledge of the PRESSBROKERS Privacy Policy without reservations and the explicit acceptance of the processing of your data as described in the said Privacy Policy. For the provision of services, Clients or Users must validate the box enabled for the aforementioned purposes.
For more information on the privacy and data protection policy, see the PRESSBROKERS Privacy Policy.

Use of Cookies

To use the Website, the use of cookies is necessary. Cookies are used in order to facilitate navigation and offer a personalized and more agile service, as well as a statistical tool to obtain statistical data on the use of the web. In no case are they used to store information that can identify the User. For more information, see the PRESSBROKERS Cookies Policy.