Convert USDC to USDT

Exchanging USD Coin (USDC) to Tether (USDT) has never been easier. On Bitnovo, you can perform exchanges between all our available cryptocurrencies.

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How to convert USD Coin to Tether

Sign up

Create your account through the Bitnovo app or website. Your registration is unique and allows you to operate from any device.

Convert USD Coin to Tether

Exchange USD Coin for Tether from the Bitnovo Wallet app or through your account on the Web.

Comparison of USDC and USDT

About USD Coin (USDC)


Circulating supply:

Circulating supply:

Max supply:

Max supply:

Market capitalization:

Market capitalization:



Conversion rates from to

1 undefined

0 undefined

2 undefined

0 undefined

3 undefined

0 undefined

4 undefined

0 undefined

5 undefined

0 undefined

6 undefined

0 undefined

7 undefined

0 undefined

8 undefined

0 undefined

9 undefined

0 undefined

10 undefined

0 undefined

Conversion rates from to

1 undefined

0 undefined

2 undefined

0 undefined

3 undefined

0 undefined

4 undefined

0 undefined

5 undefined

0 undefined

6 undefined

0 undefined

7 undefined

0 undefined

8 undefined

0 undefined

9 undefined

0 undefined

10 undefined

0 undefined

Convert other Cryptocurrencies

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fees for converting USDC to USDT?

In our exchanges, we apply a very low commission because we do not use traditional payment methods. You can check our current exchange rate by clicking this link.

How long does it take to convert USDC to USDT?

The conversion is almost instantaneous, but it largely depends on the speed at which you send the USDC. Once we receive the USDC instantly, we will proceed to send the USDT.

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Bitnovo is the simplest app to interact with cryptocurrencies, whether you are an experienced user or just starting out.